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Friday, July 17, 2015

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Acute complications of diabetes

7:19 AM

Current diabetes epidemic like, if not detected and treated in time to come to meet the acute complications of diabetes, it is very dangerous. This is the silent killer disease and high mortality rates.

There are two types of diabetes complications are acute complications and chronic. Acute complications are those complications occur suddenly, progress quickly, easily threaten the patient's life if not timely rescue.

Acute complications of diabetes

Hyperglycemia too high can put the patient into a coma or comatose ketones infection increases osmotic pressure. Deaths from hyperglycemic coma is very high.

1. Coma acidosis due to ketones.

Ketone acidosis in patients primarily seen with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes than the mortality rate due ketone acidosis coma may from 2% - 10%. The causes and triggers frequent ketone acidosis include: diabetes are not diagnosed and treated, give injections, acute illnesses such as severe infection, heart attack, stroke, injury, ...
Ketone acidosis is acidosis due to increased production and accumulation of ketones in the blood can happen when there is a lack of insulin relative or absolute, accompanied by increased blood sugar and dehydration. Heavy ketone acidosis coma resulting ketone acidosis.

2. Coma due to increased osmotic pressure

Osmotic pressure is caused by increased blood sugar condition osmotic pressure caused by very high blood sugar levels accompanied by severe dehydration, acidosis no ketone ketone or very mild acidosis. Severe osmotic pressure leads to coma osmotic pressure due to hyperglycemia.
Osmotic pressure due to increased blood sugar more often occur in type 2 diabetes than type 1. The rate of death from coma increased osmotic pressure due to increased blood sugar can be up to 15%. The causes and triggers sources include: type 2 diabetes is not detected and treated, quit the treatment of diabetes, infections and diseases such as acute myocardial nhooifmasu and stroke, trauma and use of some medications such as diuretics, corticosteroids.

3. hypoglycaemic coma due to sudden

- Hypoglycemia is a medical term to refer to blood sugar levels low. Hypoglycemia is common in patients with diabetes, most diabetics were hypoglycemic. It is important to know how to detect and manage, if not emergency promptly and the patient can approach death or irreversible brain damage.
- The level of blood sugar (glucose), normally about 4.0 to 5.6 mnol / l. In most cases the symptoms of hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar is lower than 3mnol / l. However, in some cases the symptoms may occur at higher blood glucose levels, or vice versa, only appears in low blood sugar levels even more, even asymptomatic hypoglycemia.
Through this we can see, the acute complications of diabetes is very dangerous. Please know immediately from preventable diseases ledges, prevention is better than cure always.


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