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Thursday, July 16, 2015

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Chronic complications of diabetes

5:31 PM

Currently, diabetes is one of the relatively common pathology and has the fastest growth rate. If not detected and treated in time will lead to complications of acute and chronic very dangerous. In the following article we will go to learn about chronic complications of diabetes.

Chronic complications due to diabetes is common, even these complications at the time of disease have been detected in people with diabetes type 2. This is the cause not only increased the economic burden of each individual, every community, but also the main reason reduce the quality of life of people with diabetes.

Chronic complications of diabetes

Chronic complications of diabetes include vascular complications such as stroke, peripheral artery disease, coronary artery disease, microvascular complications such as eye complications, renal complications, mental complications glasses.
Eye Complications
Diabetes affects the patient's eye how

When a patient's blood sugar is not well controlled, patients are at risk for eye diseases such as:
Retinopathy eye: the leading cause of blindness in diabetics. The majority of patients with this complication without clinical symptoms until severe illness.
Cataracts: older workers milky eyes, reduced vision.
Glaucoma: intense eye pain, red eyes, watery eyes.
Neurological complications
Diabetes affects how the nervous system
Neurological complications are common in patients with diabetes, manifested in many different forms, such as peripheral neuropathy and autonomic complications. The other form of damage such as cranial nerve paralysis, muscle atrophy less common.
Renal complications of diabetes
Renal complications of diabetes by nearly 50% of cases of end-stage renal failure, is one of the leading causes of death in diabetic patients.
Peripheral arterial disease (DMNV)
Diabetes and smoking are two major risk factors DMNV. For patients with diabetes, your risk increases with age DMNV, disease duration and the presence of peripheral neuropathy.
Coronary artery disease
Coronary artery lesions in patients with diabetes can occur in younger people and may have clinical manifestations of atypical. Myocardial infarction often have a poor prognosis and lesions on coronary angiography results in these patients are often worse than patients without diabetes.
Diabetes increases the morbidity and mortality, often severe sequelae for cases of cerebral vascular accident. In patients with diabetes, ischemic stroke, especially ischemic drive met with more than a brain hemorrhage.
Above is some information about the complications of diabetes. For each specific case, the patient should direct examination and treatment by consulting your doctor. Because in most cases, each patient has different conditions, different complications ... should have a diet, prevention, treatment differently.


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