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Thursday, July 16, 2015

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Food choices for people with Type 2 diabetes

6:16 AM

Food for diabetics always pay attention to, because they can be the cause of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. Within the scope of the article below will share a selection of fruits and vegetables is best for people with type 2 diabetes.

3 fruit choices for food safety for diabetics

Fruit is an important component in the diet of each person. Whether you have type 2 diabetes or not, fruit offers you a balanced diet including fiber, vitamins and minerals. If you are suffering from type 2 diabetes, you can still enjoy the benefits of these fruits, except fruits contain high levels of carbohydrates and sugar because they increase blood sugar levels. When choosing fruit, you keep it in mind as a selection of fruits:

- Fruit Fresh fruit is best, should not use dried fruit for the fresh fruit contains more fiber and help you fuller faster.

- You must use the fruits have a low glycemic index to control type 2 diabetes around. The fruits have a low glycemic index include cherries, plums, grapefruit, dried apricots, raisins, peaches (canned fruit juice), apples, pears, strawberries, guavas, oranges, grapes, papaya , bananas, kiwi, pineapple, figs and mangoes.

Although watermelon has a high glycemic index but sugar per serving (120 gr) is low, so unless you eat a lot at one time, it will not have significant impact on blood sugar yours.

- You can eat the fruits in the form of raw or cooked, in juice form but absolutely no added sugar! When buying fruits, try to buy small pieces. Try to avoid fruit juices. If you had to use fruit juice, then you go buy check the labels of fruit juice to ensure no added sugar!

So how to choose vegetables for people with type 2 diabetes, why?

Green vegetables provide lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber. The best vegetables are low carbohydrate vegetables. Here are 3 ways to select and processed vegetables safe for people with type 2 diabetes.

Vegetables are recommended food list for people with type 2 diabetes include: broccoli, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, asparagus, cauliflower, radishes, mushrooms, peas , soybeans, carrots, onions, peppers (all varieties), green beans, tomatoes, eggplant, celery, cucumbers, peppers, and vegetable juices.

Besides, people with type 2 diabetes should use vegetables cooked or uncooked processed with little or no fat, and with little or no sauce.

In vegetables, you can also combine with some chopped garlic. Eat boiled vegetables or soup with very little or no use of grease. In addition, you can use a little lemon juice or vinegar in your salad to add flavor. Another idea is sprinkled with spice and pepper on vegetables and other common herbs. If you still want to use fat, use vegetable oil, olive oil or canola oil instead of animal fats and butter.

Above is a selection of fruits and vegetables is good for people with diabetes type 2. If you are looking for effective treatments of the disease you may refer to all of the traditional medicinal drugs An Pharmaceutical treatment of diabetes by 100% natural herbs.


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