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Sunday, July 19, 2015

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Statins increase risk of diabetes

8:01 PM

The survey of scientists at the University of Eastern Finland mentioned increase risk of type 2 diabetes in people using statin - drugs are commonly used to reduce high cholesterol levels in the body.

In her newly published in the journal of Diabetes Research Association Europe Diabetologia, the researchers tracked 9,000 men age 45-73, not being diabetic, and 1/4 of this group use statin. About 6 years later, the research team discovered 625 cases of diabetes. Having taken into account the risk factors other diabetes, the scientists found that statin users more vulnerable to diabetes by 46% compared with nonusers.

Statin drugs are considered the most popular for lowering cholesterol (Photo: BBC)
The team said that statins may increase insulin resistance and imbalances ability of pancreatic insulin secretion. Analysis showed that statin pull off lower insulin sensitivity and decreased insulin secretion by 24% to 12%. Two types of statins were found to increase the risk of simvastatin and atorvastatin is. Accordingly, high-dose simvastatin increases the risk by 44% and the incidence of diabetes was 28% in the low dose. High-dose atorvastatin increased by 37% the risk of this disease.


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